Physical Therapy ,Occupational Therapy & Aquatic Therapy
You deserve the best care possible. White Sands has Physical and Occupational Therapy where we use both land and aquatic therapy to achieve your goals whether it is to live a pain-free life, return to the activities you love, or discover an individualized exercise routine that fits best with your lifestyle.

Physical Therapy -
Physical therapy is considered a conservative medical treatment addressing the healing and prevention of injuries and disabilities without drugs or surgery.
Regular Physical activity is crucial for you physical, mental and social health. Physical therapists can help people overcome barriers to physical limitations and get you back to the activities that you love in no time!

Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy is a holistic approach and treatment used to develop, recover, or maintain meaningful activities. It helps people across their lifespan participate in the things they want and/or need to do through the therapeutic use of everyday activities. An Occupational Therapist will develop strategies to change your movements so that you can play sports, do household or community activities, take care of yourself or your home and stay active.
Our Occupational therapist is wonderful at looking at the whole picture and developing strategies for you to continue doing the activities that you love. Contact us today!

Aquatic Therapy -
Water provides a natural buoyancy to decrease gravity’s effects and avoid joint strain, yet water is way more resistive than air, so water-based exercise provides extremely efficient and effective results. Our full-sized, salt water pool is a delightful 93°. The best part is that our therapists are in the water with you!
The pool is a great place for those with